Key Visual and brochure for the museum of the Civica scuola di Liuteria in Milan.
To design the key visual I took inspiration from the craft of making a cord instrument. Everything, even those details that seem just a decoration, have a purpose: curves must be perfect to achieve the desired sound, it is a continuous labor limae and refinement of details.
The act of cutting has a parallel in design in the xylography technique of printing. This became the style of image that I emulated for the photos. In the choice of pictures I used those depicting details and the act of refining.
Furthermore, the act of cutting is then underlined by the line, which also connect the layout vertically. Similarly the title font Avara looks like a first rough cut.
In the colour choice I used the brand burgundy as the darkest one shifting to a light wood, like the ones used to make the instruments.
Last, as in a violin, also in a layout everything is in proportion. I used the circles that make the shape of a violin as modules to design the grid, which is adaptable to various formats.